Sunday, June 14, 2015

Women of the Bible Challenge: Acts

Chapter 1
The Women & Mary the mother of Jesus- were joined constantly in prayer with a group of men (the Apostles)
Your Daughters- will prophesy, the Holy Spirit will be pored upon them
Women Servants- will even have the Holy Spirit pored upon them

Chapter 5
Sapphira- Ananias's wife
      They sold a piece of property together.  She knew he kept back part of the money for himself.  She came to the Apostles three hours after Ananias died, unknowingly (that he was dead).  She then too lied about the price they received for the land.  She fell down at Peter's feet and died.

*Sapphira died because she tested the Holy Spirit

Chapter 7
Pharaoh's daughter- took Moses and brought him up as her own son

Chapter 8
Candace-Queen of the Ethiopians (Nothing more here about here, she is mentioned simply as a connection)

Chapter 9
Tabitha!!!(Dorcas)- Was always doing good and helping the poor. She became sick and died.  She was raised from the dead and people all over Joppa (the city in which she lived) believed in the Lord because of this.

The Widows- cried over Tabitha's death and showed Peter the all the clothing she had made for them when still alive.

*Tabitha spent her time serving the widows and the poor.  In such a few amount of sentences we see that she had a servant's heart.  God raised her from the dead, and many people were led the Lord because of this. 

Chapter 12
Mary the Mother of John (Mark)
-Many people had gathered at her house and were praying

Rhoda- servant girl. She was out of her mind excited that Peter was at the door.  Everyone thought she was crazy and that it was his angel because Peter was supposed to be in Prison.

Chapter 13
Mother of Timothy- Jewess

Lydia- A dealer in purple cloth from Thyatira.  Worshiper of God.  She and members of house were baptized.  Persuaded Paul and Timothy to stay in her home.

Slave girl- Had a spirit by which she predicted the future.  Followed Paul and the others shouting "These men are servants of the most High God who are telling you the way to be saved."  for days.  Paul rebuked the spirit from her in the name of Jesus Christ.  (Then her owners were beyond angry they couldn't make money off her fortune telling anymore).

Chapter 17
Prominent women

Damaris-became a follower

Chapter 18
Priscilla - v2. Aquila's wife who Paul met in Corinth
                 v18. Priscilla and Aquila sailed on with Paul to Syria and parted at Ephesus
                 v 26. Invited Apollos into their home to explain the way of God to him more adequately.

Chapter 21
Disciples' wives- (v5) knelt on the beach to pray
4 Unmarried daughters of Philip the evangelist-prophesied

Chapter 24
Drusilla- (v24) Felix's (Governor of Caesarea) wife; a jewess

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Women of the Bible Challenge: Ruth

Chapter 1
Naomi- Went to live in Moab with her husband (Elimelech) and her two sons (Mahlan and Kilion) during a famine.
 *An Ephrathite from Bethlehem, Judah
 *Her husband died
 * Her sons married Orpah and Ruth
     -They were both Moabite women
 *Her sons died
 *Heard God came to aid of Judah and prepared with her daughters-in-law to return home
 *She releases her daughters-in-law back to their mother's homes and blesses them
   -They wept and said they'd go with her
*Orpah kissed Naomi good bye, but Ruth clung to her
*Ruth was determined to go with Naomi
*Naomi told her people to call her Mara (bitter)

Chapter 2
Ruth asked Naomi if she could go be the first to pick leftover barley so the men wouldn't bother her
     -Ruth works steadily from morning behind the harvesters with only a short rest
     -Boaz told her to go among the servant girls and he told the men not to touch her
     -invited to a meal with Boaz
     -she gleaned until evening
Ruth lived with Naomi and worked with the servant girls

Chapter 3
Naomi told Ruth to wash and perfume herself and lay at Boaz's feet with out him noticing
*Ruth obeyed
-Everyone knew Ruth was a woman of noble character

Chapter 4
Ruth became Boaz's wife
-She gave birth to a son (Obed-father of Jesse the father of David)

Basically Ruth was pretty selfless to turn down an opportunity to go back home and start a new life.  She stayed with her mother-in-law, moved to a foreign land, and tried her best to provide for the two of them even putting herself in potential harms way.  Her mother-in-law instructs her in how to win over Boaz in marriage, she obeys, marries and becomes a super great grandmother of none other but Jesus. 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Women of the Bible Challenge: Hosea

If you don't know what the Women of the Bible Challenge is click here.

I chose to do Hosea next, because I had read and fallen in love with Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers which was based off of Hosea.  How she wrote that book from this I understand, yet it completely blows my mind, but my interest was piqued.

Chapter 1
Gomer- Gomer is Hosea's adulteress wife whom God told him to marry.  She represents the land that continued to commit adultery by departing from God
     *she was the daughter of Diblaim
     *conceived and bore Hosea a son, Jezreel
     *conceived and birthed a daughter to Hosea, Lo-Ruhamah (means not loved)
         -God would no longer show love to the house of Israel
     *had another son, Lo-Ammi (my people)

Chapter 2
Adulteress wife=Israel
They keep going back to old ways

Chapter 3
Gomer committed adultery and God told Hosea to go take her back and love her
      -Hosea bought her back out of prostitution and took her home

Chapter 12 (v.6) But you must return to your God; maintain love and justice, and wait for your God always."

Wait for your God always.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Woman of the Bible Challenge: Proverbs

This month I'm flipping back to Proverbs, a challenge called out over Facebook.  October has 31 days and there are 31 chapters in a chapter a day.  I had to jump on board and tie it in with the Woman of the Bible Challenge so here we go.

Proverbs 1
Your mother- don't forsake her teaching.
Wisdom (personified to she)- vs. 33 "Whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear or harm."

Proverbs 2
Wayward wife-
-seductive words, left partner of youth, ignored covenant made before God
-her house leads to death, her paths to spirits of the dead
- v19 "none who go to her return or attain the paths of life."
WISDOM will save you from her.

Proverbs 3
She (wisdom)
v. 15 "nothing you desire can compare to her"
v. 16 Long life, riches, honor
v. 17 her ways are pleasant ways, paths are peace
v. 18 tree of life to those who embrace her
     -will be blessed if you lay hold of her

Proverbs 4
Wisdom-will protect you, watch over you
Understanding- exalt you, honor you

Proverbs 5
Adulteress -lips drip honey, smooth speech,
     -she is bitter, her steps lead to the grave
     -gives no thought, doesn't know she's crooked
Wife of your youth- loving, graceful

Proverbs 6
Mother's teaching- will guide you, will watch over you, will speak to you
                                           -keeps you from the immoral woman, wayward wife
                                                     -prostitute- reduces you to a loaf of bread
                                                     -adulteress-preys upon your very life
Proverbs 7
Prostitute-loud and defiant

Proverbs 8

Proverbs 9
Folly- loud, undisciplined, without knowledge

Proverbs 10

Proverbs 11
Kindhearted woman- gains respect
Beautiful woman- shows no discretion

Proverbs 12
Wife (of noble character) - is her husband's crown
Wife (disgraceful)- deceitful

Proverbs 14
Woman (wise)- builds her house
Woman (foolish)- tears her house down

Proverbs 16
No woman here, but verse 9 really stood out to me, "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."

Proverbs 19
Wife (quarrelsome)=constant dripping
Wife (prudent)=from the Lord

Proverbs 20
Woman (wayward)

Proverbs 21
Wife (quarrelsome)
Wife (ill-tempered)

Proverbs 22
Adulteress-mouth=deep pit

Proverbs 23
Prostitute=deep pit
Wife (wayward)=narrow well

Proverbs 24
V. 14 "...if you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off!!!"

Proverbs 25
Wife (quarrelsome)

Proverbs 27
Woman (wayward)
Wife (quarrelsome)=constant dripping
Servant girls

Proverbs 28

Proverbs 29

Proverbs 30
Adulteress-believes she does nothing wrong
Unloved married woman

Proverbs 31
This is the chapter I've been most looking forward to since starting the Proverbs challenge because I knew that it would most fit right in with the Women of the Bible Challenge as well!

King Lemuel's Mother- she taught him an oracle
     -Basically what she taught her son made the Bible; which means what she had to say is pretty
       important and you should pay attention to your mom's lessons.
v. 3- don't spend your strength on women
v. 4- It's not for kings to drink wine or crave beer
v.8,9 "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.  Speak up and judge fairly, defend the rights of the poor and needy."
The Wife of Noble Character
-Not common
-Worth FAR more than rubies
-Husband has full confidence in her and lacks NOTHING of value
-"Brings husband good not harm ALL the days of her life"
-Hard working; eager to work
-Brings food from afar
-Gets up while still dark
-Provides food for her family & her servant girls
Considers purchases before making them and uses her vineyard for further provision
-Works vigorously
-Arms are strong
-Her trading is profitable (and she knows it)
-Her lamp does not go out at night
v. 19 "In her hand she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle"
  -this has multiple layers according to the definition of distaff that you use
   Distaff: (ACCORDING to Merriam-Webster)
     * A staff for holding the flax, tow or wool in spinning
     * A woman's work or domain
     * The female branch or side of a family
-Arms open to poor
-Hands extended to needy
-No fear (when it snows)
-Household clothed in scarlet
-Makes coverings for bed
-Clothed in fine linen and purple
-Husband is respected; takes seat among elders
-Makes lined garments and sells them; supplies the merchants with sashes
v 25 She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come
-She speaks with wisdom and gives faithful instruction
-Watches over her household; is not idle
-Her children call her blessed; her husband also praises her
- She surpasses many women's noble things
v. 30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

SYTYCD10: Finale

Guest jidges: Paula Abdul, Adam Shankman!, tWitch

Top 20 by IVAN!
Season 2 was the BEST! You go Ivan! Totally unexpected and such a great job letting everyone shine!

Paula's choice: Mandy Moore's Edge of glory Mackenzie and Paul
 This piece is beautiful and Mackenzie is a fave of mine, but I'm slightly surprised this was a chosen favorite routine.

Jasmine's favorite: Blurred Lines by Ray Leeper with Marco

IHOP! ;) Surprised by the choice again.  Thanks for restoring Blurred Lines though (kind of).

Adam's choice: Fikshun and tWitch by Luther Brown

Battle of the Year Crew: I love me some bboys

Nigel's choice: SEASON 11!!! Didn't find out till 5 minutes into the show-GOODNESS!! THE HAPPY DANCE!

Tap routine by Anthony with Alexis, Aaron and Curtis

tWitch's choice: Hayley and Nico by Sean Cheeseman Kiss of the Spiderwoman
Oh yes, one of the best Broadway routines ever on the show!

Aaron's choice: Kissing You by Stacey Tookey with Kathryn
Good choice!

Top 10 guys: SAND ROUTINE!!!

Cat's choice: Nappytabs Comfort and Jasmine

Mary's choice: Travis Wall's Robert and Tucker piece!!

Nappytab's Puttin on the Ritz top 20!

Marc and Jenna's Marc All-star routine!

Amy and Fikshun's choice: Afterparty by Nappytabs

Mary and Nigel- OH! MY! WORD!
-haha Shankman stole the show!

Movement box- so innovative! Love them!

Travis routing: #sytycdTRAVIS Amy and Travis Wicked Game! Yes!

All-star beach dance and top 10

Amy and Fikshun

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Women of the Bible Challenge: John

Have you all heard of the Women of the Bible Challenge? I just came across it on pinterest today.  Basically you read through the Bible, starting anywhere you'd like, and you keep your eyes peeled for any women that appear: named or unnamed.  Start a new journal, dedicated solely to this, and you keep track of each of these women, what happened, and what you learned from them. I am starting today, and since I was reading John I am starting there.

So here we go, "Women of the Bible" in John

John 2 
Jesus's Mother: She encouraged Jesus to perform his first miraculous sign, which revealed His glory and led His disciples to put their faith in Him.

John 3:29
"...the bride belongs to the bridegroom"

John 4
Samaritan woman: She asked questions, was "thirsty" for a Savior/answers even as a Samaritan, owned up to her sins, and Jesus revealed himself to her.
vs. 29-she told everyone in town about what happened, wondering if Jesus was Messiah
vs 39-many Samaritans from that town believed because of her testimony
vs. 42- at first they believed because of her, then they believed because of Him

John 8
vs 3. teachers of law and pharisees brought in adulterous woman wanting to stone her
-Jesus freed her from her sin

John 11
Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus that Lazarus, "the one he loves" is sick.
-Martha went out to meet Jesus; declared her belief that Jesus was the Christ, son of God.
-Mary stayed home but after Martha told her Jesus was there she QUICKLY went to Him and fell at his feet saying "If you had been there he wouldn't have died." This causes Jesus to weep.
*I think Jesus wasn't just mourning for His own loss, His weeping was triggered by Mary's grief. His heart was broken for hers. HIS HEART BREAKS WHEN OUR HEARTS BREAK!*
-Martha doubted.
-Many came to Jesus because of Mary and put their faith in Him.

John 12
Martha served
Mary poured expensive perfume on Jesus' feet and wiped his feet with her hair
Daughter of Zion

John 16
v. 21 A woman giving birth to a child She forgets her anguish, because of her joy = we will rejoice when we see Jesus and no one will take away that joy!

John 19
Near the cross stood Jesus' mother, his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene
-His mother is now to be cared for by the disciple whom Jesus loved.

John 20
Mary Magdalene went to tomb and saw stone removed from entrance. She ran to Simon Peter and the disciple Jesus loved to tell them.  She stood outside the tom crying and saw two angels where Jesus's body had been.  She turned around and saw Jesus but thought he was a garner and asked Him where He took Jesus' body.  Jesus said her name and she cried out "Rabboni."  He told her not to touch him but go tell His brother's that He is returning to Father God.  She obeyed.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

SYTYCD10: Top 4 My POV September 3, 2013

Guest jidges: Gabby Douglas and Paula Abdul

Aaron and Amy: Jazz with Ray
Amy is KILLING this! I REALLY  dislike the costumes.

Fikshun and Jasmine: Contemporary by Travis
Jasmine's legs are crazy! Love all the extensions Travis is giving her.  What a beautiful number!

Aaron and Allstar Melinda: Tap by Anthony
I truly am amazed when someone is so good at tap and makes it look so effortless. Tap is TIRING! This routine was like a slow breath.

Jasmine and Comfort: Nappytabs hip hop
She chose hip hop? This may be a genius move.  We already know what you're the best at, surprise us by being the best at something else. Dang girl!

Amy and Fikshun: Tango blend by Miriam and Leonardo
So dramatic. Love the pauses!

Jasmine: Her extentions are just crazy.  She is so graceful.

Jasmine & Aaron: Samba by Dmitry Chaplin
Love the intro.  Not quite sure if it was them or the routine.  Looks like the judges may be pulling for a Fikshun/Amy win.

Fikshun: OH MY WORD, I'm laughing so hard!

Amy- It's funny that she attributes her personality shining to Fikshun, because she's shone since her audition.  Her musicality was beautiful.

Fikshun and tWitch- hip hop by Luther Brown
He put it all out there and showed different facets of his personality. Very goo.d

Aaron: This may be the most beautiful tap dance I've ever seen.

Amy and Robert: contemporary by Stacey
This routine stole a little piece of my heart.

Fikshun and Aaron: Broadway by Tyce
Love the use of the baggage claim.  So much personality!

Amy and Jasmine: Jazz by Marc
What even was that??? It's understandable that Paula felt like home-totally reminded me of her!